Friday, 26 April 2013

Kawalan Kualiti Penghasilan Marjerin Di Malaysian Palm Oil Board (Mpob)


          Product Quality plays an important role in an industry. Quality of a product will be increase a company profit and also well received by their customer. The staff of MPOB organization still uses a manual process to analyzing sampling results and generating the report. Therefore, to overcome this problem, particular techniques from Statistical Quality Control ( SQC ) such as Histogram, Pareto Diagram, Control Chart and Acceptance Sampling based on Acceptable Quality Level ( AQL ) should be used. The System Development Life Cycle ( SDLC ) has beg. used as methodology in developing the quality control system for MPOB. The expected output of the system are to analyze data, give a guideline to the user about the best acceptance sampling level and to generate report by week, month and year. The development software for this system are Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 for creating the interface and Microsoft Access 2000 for database.

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