Chain code is one of the way to data representation that can be use to produce lines that have various of shape in computer. Chain code has to be visualize so thit an algorithm can be built to read and give an understanding about the chain code. Because of that, one system has been develop to produce an algorithm and an interface that can be used to read, analyze and visualize the various of shape by using a chain code. The various of shape that has been produce in the is using a Freeman Chain Code two dimension as an input in the form of integer. This system use text file as the input of the system. The text file is filled with a list of two dimension chain code. Various of shape that li6.ve been produce can be view in two dimension. Methodology that has been use to develop this system is water fall model. This system has been develop by using software Borland C++5.02 and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Through the output that has been produce like the cube, L block and stair, the characteristic of chain code can be visualize as one of the data representation that can reduce the space of storage. Hope through this system development, the interface that has been produce can be used to read and visualize the chain code in the graphic output.
Website : http://ir.fsksm.utm.my/876/
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