Thursday, 25 April 2013

Peramalan Bilangan Pendaftaran Kenderaan Di Malaysia


          All vehicle in this country need to go through the registration process before can be drive on road. Generally, vehicle registration process was handled by Road Transportation Department in every state. Number of transportation that increased in every state nowadays have caused many problems especially to Road Transportation Department Thus, to overcome these problems, the forecasting project has been conducted to analyze and forecast the number of vehicles registration in Malaysia. This forecasting was based on chosen vehicles which are motorcycles, motor cars, goods transportations and one model for all types of vehicles. As for the development of forecasting model, Neural Network with Back-Propagation algorithm has been used with Matlab version 7.0 software. Data involved in this forecasting were the number of vehicles registration produced in Malaysia from t996 to 2005. In conclusion, this study will assist Road Transportation Department in solving their problems. 

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