Friday, 26 April 2013

Sistem Kawalan Inventori Berasaskan Web Di Jt International Tobacco Sdn. Bhd.


          Inventory management control is required in handling the problem of keeping and managing stocks. A business premise that does not control their stock movement will result in higher overhead cost. The purpose of this project is to minimize the cost that has to be undertaken by the company. A research has been conducted at JT International Tobacco Sdn. Bhd. The problem faced by the company is the difficulties of the current system to manage in and out inventory activities and failure to estimate raw material requirement efficiently. A developmenot f a system using Material Requiremen Planning approach is chosen as a solution for the faced problem. The proposed system will help JT International Tobacco Sdn. Bhd. in keeping the stock level optimum in order to minimize the cost. This system will use Material Requirement Plan (MRP) technique and that are Lot for Lot Method, Least Unit Cost Method, Least Total Cost Method, Silver-Meal Method and Wagner-Within Method. With all this method, this system will be able to generate a report for the use in production process. Because of that,it also hopes that this system will become useful in order to solve massive problem such as involving information security that are face by an organization. Waterfall Methodology is used in this system involving six phases in developing the system and each phase have its own activity to be accomplished. This system will be developed using Macromedia Dreamwerwer MX as an editor tool to design the interface system, ASP script for the coding system and MySQL as the database system. In the end, this system is hoped to give its benefits to the company in managing inventories and to planning their quantity production more accurately.

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