Friday, 26 April 2013

Failure Mode And Effect Analysis Management Information System For Manufacturing Product


          Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is dedicated to analyze products before they are released to manufacturing. Design deficiencies or design defects is the reason of causing manufactured product failure. In order to handle this manufacturing product failure, a so-called FMEA tool can be applied in manufacturing industry. It is a specific methodology to evaluate design for possibly ways in which failures can occur. FMEA assist the manufacturers to analyze the manufacturing and assembly deficiencies. Every failure identified is rated based on its severity,occurrence and detection. The important role of FMEA is also to improve the reliability of manufacturing process by recommending preventive or coffective actions.This project describes the prototype development of Web-based Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Management System for Manufacturing Product by using Java Server Pages(JSP)as the web programming package and MySQL as the database manager. Most of the existing FMEA systems today are either in manual or Excel-formed worksheet. The problems of using this kind of FMEA is that it is not a living document, tedious data keeping, require much scrolling, no security control mechanism, limited data, not user-friendly, unattractive interface and less support for teamwork.

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