Thursday, 25 April 2013

Pakej Pembelajaran Robot Mitsubishi RV.2AJ


          Nowadays, the used of robot has become wider. Many types robot have been developed according to functionality in their workplace. Mitsubishi RV-2AJ robot was selected as a research material in this project. This arm robot has been used in artificial intelligence lab at FSKSM as a learning material. Robotic learning package have been developed in order to surmount the problems happened and to facilitate the learning process. The major constrain in this project is there is only one type of this robot in this faculty compared to the large amount of students. Through this package it's contain specific information about robot and several clips video that display the robot application. Rational Unified Process (RUP) model will be use to develop this package. This process model meets the requirement of devqloping and easy to conduct. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 6.0 software with pHp."(pre_Hypertext Processor) will be use in the development of this package. Therefore, through this robot learning package hopefully can be fulfill all the project objectives and surmount the problem that have been faced previously.

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