Thursday, 25 April 2013

Pengaturcaraan Robot Bagi Proses Pembungkusan Cenderamata Di Makmal Robotik, Fke


          The rapid development of sophisticated technology in Malaysia has accelerated the progression and competitiveness of our economic sector as compared to other advancedc ountries especially in industrial sector such the use of robot for production and packaging product. There are many kinds brand of robot in market with different specification such as Fara RSM 7 Robot. Therefore,the capability of robot for packaging product should be tested. The main objective of this project is to create a model of real system by using a robot to do the process of pick and place, create a test of robot accuracy and repetitive capability. This system will be developed by using Fara RSM 7 Robot that was programmed using teach pendant, which use FARAL Language. The entire progress had been done in Robotic Lab at Faculties of Electrical Engineering.The implementation of the prototype model in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as project methodology has greatly aided in managing the project different phases. At the end of this project, the analysis capability of robot can be viewed base on implementation of packaging souvenir. Hopeful,this project can expose on how the robot movement application to do a task especially for manufacturing process in order to performed the real system in industrial sector.

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