Thursday, 25 April 2013

Sistem Analisa Filem Bagi Hock Star Entertainment Industry Bhd


          It is very important to make a decision based on statistical analysis. This project includes the films shown in Hock Star Entertainment Industry Sdn Bhd which are going to be anatyzed. This system which can analyze the film statistical based on the genre, language, date, and also box office gross could help the company. Besides, the company would get a result in a short time, Models of descriptive analysis approach will be used in this system. Because the information obtained from the company is suitable for these models. PHP version 5.2.0 is the web-based programming language to develop the system. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX and Adobe Photoshop are the tools or software application to design and create the pages. MySql server is the server to keep and save the data and information of the system. With this system, the company will have a better planning in order to get benefits from their business.

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