Thursday, 25 April 2013

Sistem Kawalan Inventori Berkomputer Berasaskan Web Di Rin D&C Ceramics


          Inventory control system is main element that shall be considered in determining the achievement of the organization. Currentl, Rin D&C Ceramics is using manual inventory contol system. There is no suitable model in determining an optimum stock level and facility to generate reports for each item acoording to specific times. Therefore, in order to overcome those problems, a computerize inventory control system has been developed. Periodic Review System Model has been implemented in this system. The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) has been used as a methodology. This computerized inventory control system is carried out using Hypertext Preprocessor Language(PHP) and incorporated with MySQL as a database. It has a capability to generate an optimum stock level including inventory control report for every month. This system can contribute an efficient and effective inventory control system.

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