Wednesday 24 April 2013

Visualisasi Struktur Dna


          The research about DNA structure visualization is a new technology in our country. The idea to develop this system came across as our government exclaims that we should pay more attention on this new technology. This study has made a call out about the difficulties of the scientist to find software for DNA visualization. Therefore, the reason for developing this research is to help the scientist in our country visualize the DNA in their research graphically and effectively. Precisely, this study is to develop system that have an ability to read a DNA structure from a file and visualize it in e-dimensional form. This DNA structure visualization has an ability to find some answer about the visualization problems faced by scientists. This research is able to help scientists examine attentively about the molecule structure and their component. The algorithm that used for a modeling process is Hidden Markov algorithm and the scan conversion algorithm used for a visualization part. In addition to visualize the DNA in three-dimensional form, this software can also visualize the DNA format in two different shapes. The shapes are wireframe and spacefill. Hopefully, this research can help a scientist make an effective process to visualize DNA string in their research.

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