Wednesday 24 April 2013

Course Advisor : Cadangan Kursus Di Utm Secara Atas Talian


          Development of Course Advisor: UTM's Courses Suggestion System, is to help SPM, STPM or matriculation candidates to choose which courses are suitable for them. This system provides suggestions for the most suitable courses based on the IPT candidates' interest and their SPM, STPM or matriculation's examination result. This web based system will also help to generate TT candidates' interest by using a technique from Dr Holland, called the SDS (Self Directed Search). Other than that, the Course Advisor: UTM's Courses Suggestion System will also consider other UTM requirements before suggesting suitable courses for the IPT candidates. This is to ensure that the courses chosen are suitable with their interest and their qualification. The system is developed in Linux Fedora Core 2 operating system using a Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language, My Structured Query Language (MySQL) and Apache web server to create an expert system using a knowledge based technique which are rules and back chaining method as an inference engine. The Course Advisor can be used through intemet so that it can be reached by students from all over Malaysia. In such a way, this will help to attract more IPT candidates joining UTM. Hence, the students will know what courses that are suitable for them based on their interest and qualification.

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