Wednesday 24 April 2013

Interaksi Antara Cahaya Matahari Dan Langit Dengan Objek Dalam Persekitaran 3d Luaran


          Sky has always been an important backgrouncrelement in modeling outdoor environment. The sun position inipthe range of sunrise until sunset will caused a certain colour effect on the sky surface. The colour changes of sunlight and sky will directly influenced the colour of objects that are uncovered on that moment such as yellowish and reddish colour of cloud while dusk. Therefore, the application in this project will emphasized on hoW to generate illumination on 3D objects effected by interaction of sunlight and sky. The program that is performed in this project consists of two parts. The first part is the sky colour determination based on sun position using Perez function. The sky colour will be mapped on the skydome that becomes an enclosure environment for the objects. Interaction will occurred in the second part which is energy transfer in the dome environment with sky colour as the main source of illumination, which next will produced colour bleeding effect through radiosity approach. The result in this application could be applied in modeling of architectural design that involves lighting effects from sunlight and sky for outdoor scenes.

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